A trussed and despondent sheep lays with their head tucked in

WATCH NOW: Australia’s cruel sheep export trade exposed on National TV – again.

Animals Australia's latest investigation reveals why the promised end to sheep exports must be legislated urgently.
Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated August 28, 2023

A report has aired on the ABC’s current affairs program 7.30 highlighting the ongoing cruelty to sheep in Australia’s live export industry — and the determination of Animals Australia’s investigators to make sure this industry is held accountable.

What Animals Australia investigators discovered in Oman can only be described as a total disregard for Australian live export rules – exposing countless animals to brutal slaughter. You can view the full report on ABC iView or watch the 7.30 report here now:

ABC's 7.30 program has aired the results of Animals Australia's latest live sheep export investigation.
I will continue to investigate this trade for as long as Australia continues to send live sheep to these countries.
Shatha Hamade stands in an airport. She is wearing a red jacket and has a black bag over her shoulder. Her expression is pensive.
Shatha Hamade
Lead Investigator and Legal Counsel
Animals Australia

Phase-out must happen as soon as possible.

The unacceptable situation in Oman only adds to the evidence that live export regulations have failed and that the phase-out of sheep exports must begin as soon as possible.

While the Australian Government has committed to phasing out live sheep exports, the mechanism by which they will do that (regulation or legislation) and the timeline is yet to be determined. An Independent Panel will make its recommendations to the government by the end of September.

It’s imperative that the phase-out be legislated during this term of parliament. All of the evidence confirms that given ongoing exporter non-compliance in importing countries – and the ever-present risks for animals at sea – every day of delay will see more animals suffer. Please, take action today to urge the Albanese Government to #LegislatetheDate — and end live sheep exports for good.

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Close-up of beautiful sheep looking direct to camera with overlay of Christmas stars.