Portrait of a young cow / calf looking to camera

Working globally to help animals and foster kindness for all.

From emergency grants in times of disaster to investigating the live animal export trade, Animals Australia's work and collaborations span many countries.

Our vision is for a kinder world, and we investigate, lobby and campaign on behalf of all animals, wherever they are from and wherever they need us.

Under our global arm, Animals International, our work to protect animals and cultivate kindness for all beings spans dozens of countries.

The many issues facing animals in Australia are replicated the world over and they all have the same underlying root cause – belief systems that taught us to see and treat animals differently, depending on how they are being ‘used’ and ignoring their shared capacity to suffer.

So, working together with advocates all around the world we can unravel old ways of thinking, reconnect hearts with all animals and take collective leaps forward in the treatment of our fellow species … where ever they may live.

Here’s just a handful of initiatives demonstrating that compassion knows no borders.

A live export cattle cow

Investigating live animal export

Over the past two decades, we have conducted scores of investigations in dozens of countries to expose the cruelty and suffering inherent to the live animal export trade.

From Australia to the Middle East to Europe, this work has led to countless major media exposés and unprecedented regulatory reform and animal welfare advancements in a number of countries – including a ban on shipping animals from Australia during the deadly northern summer months.

Millions fewer sheep are exported from Australia each year since Animals Australia’s first investigation in 2003.

Our experience and expertise investigating and challenging this trade has led us to collaborating with advocates all around the world; supporting legal challenges, media stories, public campaigns and political efforts to bring this cruel and ruthless industry to an end.

Helping dogs in Bali

We helped to end an illegal dog meat trade in Bali.

Our evidence of Bali’s dogs being strangled, poisoned and beaten to death as part of the cruel dog meat industry shocked caring people in Bali and around the world, and helped achieve a government ban on the trade.

It was an industry being fueled in large part by Australian tourism which sadly has had terrible consequences for many animals on the island, including farmed animals killed for meat and ‘wild’ animals being used for rides and entertainment.

So, our ethical responsibility to the people and animals of Bali has led to our sustained focus on the region where we now have a local Balinese team. Our work in Bali has included education, in schools, animal welfare and training, supporting vet clinics and improving the welfare of pigs.

A new home and a new life for animals once stuck in Jordan’s zoos.

Our work investigating the live export trade in Jordan led to a special friendship with HRH Princess Alia al Hussein and the establishment of the Princess Alia Foundation (PAF) to foster care and compassion for animals.

We were asked to visit the country’s zoos where, like in many parts of the world where the illegal wildlife trade is thriving, zoo owners had found themselves with animals they had no capacity to properly care for.

Bears were living in solitary confinement; waterbirds were deprived of water; highly intelligent striped hyenas were confined to small concrete pens, as were lion cubs who were already showing signs of trauma.

In a unique collaboration with the zoo owners, the Princess Alia Foundation and government authorities, Animals Australia negotiated the release and rehoming of the animals most in need.

After spending time at the New Hope rehabilitation centre – a PAF initiative – and with help from Animals Australia’s wonderful donors, these animals are now living the most glorious life at the Al Ma’wa wildlife sanctuary in Jordan.

This image contains content which some may find confronting

Helping to deliver Palestine’s first animal ambulance.

Again, it was our live export work that first took us to Palestine but it’s the enduring friendships with Palestinian advocates and opportunities to help create great change that have sustained our presence there.

The Palestinian Animal League is in many ways like a ‘sister’ organisation to Animals Australia, in terms of their vision, mission and strategy of working at the root cause of issues to foster compassion for all beings and heal the human animal relationship.

PAL not only runs education initiatives but provides rescue, care and feeding programs to animals in need, and all under extremely challenging circumstances. So it was a honour to make their dream come true in the form of Palestine’s first ever animal ambulance.

The mobile clinic not only provides direct help to animals in need, but the presence of this vehicle on the streets of Palestine provides a living example of kindness and compassion in action.

A girl holding a dog and walking in front of a destoyed building in Lebanon.
Credit: Animals Lebanon

Support when trouble strikes

Our emergency grants fund life-saving work for animals around the world by funneling urgent financial assistance to groups and advocates who are helping animals during times of disaster.

From the bushfires in Australia to the war in Afghanistan and the global pandemic leaving no human or animal untouched by adversity … there are always committed and selfless individuals making sure the animals are not forgotten.

Our grants have rebuilt shelters and enabled food drops for wildlife; funded feeding programs for street animals and vet care for ‘working animals; helped fuel rescue efforts in Lebanon in the aftermath of the Beirut explosion; provided help for illegally trafficked wildlife; and facilitated vet training and spay-and-neuter programs.

These grants fund both emergency response and long-lasting projects for animals.

A spread of vibrant plant-based dishes. People surround the table, enjoying the feast.

Inspiring kinder choices

With more than 70 billion animals raised and killed for food each year – and most of them factory farmed – to change the world for animals we need to change the way we eat. So, encouraging and helping people to make the kindest choice they can is an important part of Animals Australia’s advocacy approach.

Our plant-based eating resources have been translated into 14 languages and have assisted hundreds of thousands of people – from Australia to China to Romania – to take animals into their hearts and off their plates.

Learn more about plant-based eating

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Close-up of beautiful sheep looking direct to camera with overlay of Christmas stars.