Pledge to be egg-free!

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Make a powerful change for hens and chicks

By leaving eggs off your plate, you will help to spare these inquisitive and gentle-natured animals from cruel industry practices such as cage confinement, debeaking and chick shredding.

Make a powerful change for hens and chicks

By leaving eggs off your plate, you will help to spare these inquisitive and gentle-natured animals from cruel industry practices such as cage confinement, debeaking and chick shredding.

“I pledge to leave eggs off my plate to help end the cruelty of the egg industry - to spare hens from a life of use and abuse and babies being killed as 'waste products'."
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Animals Australia

Animals Australia team

Last updated September 5, 2022

Cages are extremely cruel, and sadly they are just one of many cruelties chickens are forced to endure in the egg industry. In all commercial egg systems – cage, barn-raised, free-range or organic – male chicks are considered ‘worthless’ and are killed on their first day of life.

Female chicks are raised to replace hens who are sent to slaughter at just 18-30 months old — a fraction of their natural lifespan. As newborns, the tips of their beaks can be cut off without pain relief to reduce aggressive pecking fueled by frustration when they cannot move freely, forage, or establish a natural social structure.

Because the males bred into the industry won’t grow up to produce eggs they are ‘disposed of’ by gassing or macerationenshrined in our laws, this practice is considered by the industry and government as an acceptable cost of doing business.

Chickens are unique individuals just like the companion animals we share our homes with. But instead of being valued for who they are, their value is determined by how many eggs they can produce for the commercial market.

In Australia, around 12 million chicks are killed on their first day of life each year. Why? As only female chickens lay eggs, male chicks are deemed ‘worthless’ to the egg industry and are routinely gassed or ‘macerated’ (ground up alive).

Legal change for animals is hard fought and long won, as evident with the 2018 Poultry Code Review. After significant delays, the government only recently announced a cage phase-out period that will last 10 to 15 years, meaning more than 55 million hens will potentially suffer a lifetime of confinement.

And while this review will address the cruel practice of confining hens in cages, it seems chickens will still be forced to endure cruel practices like debeaking and shredding.

Thankfully, we don’t need to wait for the government or the profit-driven egg industry to make changes – we can act today by pledging to be egg-free to shape a kinder future for hens and their babies.

You can join the millions of people who are opting for readily available egg alternatives that are kinder to hens and chicks. Did you know you can still enjoy quiche, muffins, cake, and even meringue with simple ingredient swaps? Head here to check out our mouthwatering egg-free guide.

Pledge to be egg-free.

 signatures and counting.
Animals Australia
“I pledge to leave eggs off my plate to help end the cruelty of the egg industry - to spare hens from a life of use and abuse and babies being killed as 'waste products'."
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What else can you do to help chickens?

This pledge plays a vital role — but you can have an even greater impact for animals today. Here’s how:

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